Thousands of behavioral health professionals need training and certification

If you help people with mental health, substance abuse, or co-occurring conditions in Maine, we're here to help you take the next steps toward professional success. Our goal is to help professionals like you who are seeking to enhance their skills and knowledge to better serve the people of Maine. We offer quality educational programs in Maine and online. We are a partnership of three experienced organizations.

10.30.24 Congratulations! Scott Gagnon, MPP,..

Please join us in congratulating Scott Gagnon, MPP, PS-C on his recent dual Prevention Professional of the Year Awards. Scott..

10.25.24 New England PTTC Newsletter | Octob..

The latest edition of our bi-monthly newsletter is available. This month's edition features Prevention Stories, Announcing the upcoming launch of..

10.1.24 Substance Use Prevention Month

October is Substance Use Prevention Month - and we're Telling the Prevention Story. Join SAMHSA, as partners in prevention! To..

(view more here)

10.16.24 Ethics: Life is Messy - On-Demand Course (ME#323/5..

1.28.25 Co-Learning Space for Supervisors

2.13.25 Co-Learning Space for Peer Support Program Develop..

2.13.25 Spotlight on Behavioral Health Workforce Initiativ..