Contact Us

You are welcome to contact one of our partner organizations if you have questions about the Maine Behavioral Health Workforce Development Collaborative.


AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc.

Ballard Center
6 East Chestnut Street, Suite 101
Augusta, ME 04330-5717
Phone: 207-626-3615 or V/TTY: 711
Fax: 207-621-2550

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Co-Occurring Collaborative Serving Maine (CCSME)

94 Auburn Street, Suite 110
Portland, ME 04103
Phone: 207-878-6170
Fax: 207-878-6172

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Muskie School of Public Service

Center for Learning
12 East Chestnut Street
Augusta, ME 04330
Phone: 207-626-5280
Fax: 207-626-5022
TTY: 207-626-5282