

AdCare Maine is revising its training schedule and suspending in-person trainings for the months of March and April

March 11, 2020 AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc., has been closely monitoring the quickly evolving developments related to COVID-19,..


AdCare Maine Newsletter | Spring 2020 Edition

News and Events from AdCare Educational Institute of Maine. Start Spring revived with interesting news and training to support your..


New England PTTC Newsletter | February 2020 Edition

We're excited to offer the first edition of our bi-monthly newsletter, featuring, regionally and nationally developed trainings and tools to..


AdCare Maine is hiring a Training Project Coordinator

AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc. is seeking to hire a highly-motivated and experienced program coordinator to fill its Training..


Position Announcement - Medical Care Development, Inc.

Project Manager: Maternal and Infant Substance Use Prevention Coordination Do you have a passion for public health in relation to..


Make the connection at Maine's Annual Conference on Problem Gambling Awareness

AdCare Maine will present Maine's Annual Conference on Problem Gambling Awareness, March 6 in Bangor. The theme is Making the Connection.


Webinar to explain NHSC Substance Use Disorder Workforce Loan Repayment Program, Jan. 10

You may be eligible for the NHSC Loan Repayment Program. Take part in the NHSC LRP & SUD Workforce LRP Application Webinar, coming up on Thu., Jan. 10, from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m.


AdCare Maine is hiring!

AdCare Maine seeks to hire a Problem Gambling Services Coordinator and Workforce Development Project Coordinator.


AdCare Maine is looking to hire an experienced prevention or public health professionals

Workforce Development Project Coordinator, New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center This position is responsible for the development, implementation, and dissemination..


Present at the MYAN Youth Leadership Conference

Registration is open for the 2018 Maine Youth Action Leadership Conference, to be held Nov. 7-8 at the Cross Insurance Center in Bangor. Don't miss this exciting opportunity to dive deep into the issues affecting Maine youth.