

Introducing Behavioral Health Careers to High School Students

Many exciting career opportunities await today's high school students as Maine expects to see rapid job growth within the behavioral..


Two important workshops are paired to enhance your learning experience

Registration is open for the Role of Life Experience in Raising Healthy, Thriving Children and Communities AND Protective Factors in Strengthening Maine Families, offering multiple dates in multiple locations.


SAPST to be held in Bangor in July

The Maine Center for Disease Control and Prevention, in collaboration with the University of New England, will host Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training, July 9-12, in Bangor.


Peer workforce to be focus of meeting

Explore a growing shift in the behavioral health workforce during the CCSME Annual Meeting: Building Capacity with Maine's Peer Workforce, to be held Mon., May 7, 2018, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., at the Augusta Civic Center.


Problem Gambling Conference rescheduled

Maine's Annual Conference on Problem Gambling Awareness, which had been postponed due to weather, has been rescheduled for May 8.


Save the Dates for SAPST Trainings on Building Our Behavioral Health Workforce

Substance Abuse Prevention Skills Training (SAPST): Building Our Behavioral Health Workforce will take place on April 9-12 at the Augusta Armory, July 9-12 in the Bangor area, and Oct. 16-19 in the Augusta area.


Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey data available; state-level snapshots included

The 2017 Maine Integrated Youth Health Survey (MIYHS) is available for your review with a reliable overview of youth in Maine and the actions or risks in which they take part.


Inform your data-driven decisions with SEOW resources

The SEOW reminds Maine substance use prevention professionals and stakeholders about resources available to help guide data-drive decisions.


Empowering, supporting Maine's LGBTQ youth is subject of professional trainings

OUT Maine is offering professional trainings to assist organizations in empowering and supporting Maine's lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ) youth and their families.


Tobacco and Substance Use Prevention and Control Vacancies announced by Maine CDC

The Maine CDC has four open positions in the Tobacco and Substance Abuse Prevention and Control Program, based in Augusta.