Health Equity & Cultural Competency Training (Augusta)

Event Details

Positive health outcomes are not evenly distributed across the public. Some populations face much greater challenges in achieving and maintaining good health. Public Health Leaders can play a crucial role in understanding the reasons for these differences and leading strategies to promote greater health equity. In this workshop, we will explore the concepts of health and healthcare disparities, build greater insight into unconscious/implicit bias, and delve into models for developing individual and organizational cultural competence.

After this workshop, participants will be able to

1. Describe the concept of diversity as it applies to individuals and populations:
a. Describe health disparities affecting racial/ethnic/language minorities in Maine
b. Differentiate between health and healthcare disparities
c. Identify other populations in Maine also experiencing health and healthcare disparities
d. Identify health disparities and their impact in various public health practice settings
e. Explain how implementing health equity strategies enhance the overall quality of population health services and outcomes.

2. Incorporate strategies for interacting with persons from diverse backgrounds
a. Describe the concept of implicit (unconscious) bias
b. Identify a tool for self-assessment for areas of implicit bias
c. Demonstrates strategies for ameliorating the impact of implicit bias

3. Participate in the assessment of the cultural competence of their public health organization
a. Discuss the role of the CLAS Standards in addressing organizational cultural competence
b. Describe approaches to assessing personal cultural competency
c. Describe approaches to assessing organizational cultural competency

Shani Dowd, Director Culture InSight, Harvard Pilgrim Healthcare Foundation
Mitzi Johnson, MD, CEO & Medical Director, Whole Person Health
Kathryn Vezina, RN, MSN, Esq., Associate Executive Director, Hanley Center for Health Leadership